Terms of Use

Welcome to Quran Education Online "" a service dedicated to provide Online Quran Education

Fee Policy
Fee is due before the 5th of the each month. In rare cases, where parent assures and promises the fee payment at a future date academy reserves the right to continue classes. In case of non-payment, academy will have the consent of the parent to use all legal methods to recover the fee. The preferred method of automatic payment is by a credit card or payment by email.

Free trial
This is 100% FREE trial and there are no conditions attached. You can continue after the free trial. You can discontinue the service if for some reason this service does not work for you and/or for your child after the free trial.

Refund policy
We have a 100% customer satisfaction policy. If for any reason you are not satisfied simply contact us & ask for a refund within 7 days of the month start. You will receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours.

Please email your complaints to & we will respond within 7 business days maximum.

Cancellations policy
You may cancel your subscription by giving 1 months notice.

Public Holidays
Fees are calculated on an annual basis, taking into account public holidays, and so there is no reduction in fee for weeks which include public holidays.

Connection problems
Technical issues are a part and parcel of Online studies. Sometimes due to a technical issue student may not be able to attend the class. In such cases, wait for the class till the last 10 minutes and if class doesn’t happen, drop an email to us about it and leave the class. If there was a technical issue from student’s side, the class shall not be compensated. However if the problem was from our side, we shall compensate the class.

Communication with staff
Prohibition on Direct Communication with staff Except for the Admin, the students are prohibited from communicating with any other staff member or exchange any contact details like email, phone number etc or come into direct personal contact through any method. Any student found doing so shall be immediately terminated. The student must communicate through the Admin.

You may visit our FAQs section on our website and if you do not see your queries answered therein, you may contact on